Sunday, October 08, 2006

I am on a roll! :)

Another Layout! Owen's school pic is inside! I hate scrapbooking school pics with a passion! I am pretty happy with how this has turned out! I have been in a scrapbooking rut for so long now (nearly 5 months)! OmG! Seems like a life time! Far out! Anyway getting my mojo back, I scrapped nearly all of yesterday! Loved that!!!! My happy place outside, warm air, NO KIDS watching neil in the garden and the birds eatting the seeds I hung in the trees! Scrapbooking the day away, what bure bliss! Nearly completed two layouts, WOW! So happy with myself! I also brought 4 albums yesterday (eek $80) to add to the another 2 a brought about a week ago! Now I have six albums on the go, (1 family album, 1 brothers album, 1 album, for me and Neil, 1 for Callum, 1 for Owen and 1 for Caleb). 120 layouts to add, omg! 3 layouts done and 117 to go to fill them up! May the force be with me!!

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