Tuesday, November 14, 2006

More Mini Albums

Love my bloG:
Now that I have finished uni for the year I seem to be posting quite a bit! Feels quite good to write down everything that is going on in this head of mine!
Mini Albums:
I made these two little albums, they are basic, nothing stunning! They will both be heading off to Scotland asap! The little tiny black and white album is a photo of Neil's sister she is 28 and lost her baby (she was in the early months of pregnancy). I didn't know what else to give her! I hope she likes it! My mum brought it for me at spotlight ($7.00, pretty good ) it is very thick and expands out to showcase other pics!
6 Months together!
Yesterday was the 13th of the month, which means that Neil and I have now been together for 6 months! Wow!!! We are going out to dinner Saturday just the two of us!!
My boys!
I have kept my two chickens home from school today! I missed out on having them on the weekend because of Amy's birthday and my ex took them to a family picnic on the Sunday! I am going to take them out for lunch soon, and to the shops so I can get some idea of what they both want for x-mas. Then to the playground lucky boys! Might take some pics of them mucking about! (Seems like ages since I have done that). When we get home Owen wants to write santa a letter! (very cute, must scrapbook that!).
Neil won't be getting home from work until 6pm, so I might get I chance to scrapbook! I feel gulity when he is at home and I do! (So I rush, rush rush to get some scraping time in). I am working on a family layout at the moment. It's coming along ok, kinda of annoying, but that's scrapbooking! Next month is my birthday and my parents and Neil are giving me some money, so I can't wait to stock up on my supplies!