Happy Mothers Day 07
Mothers day 07 was spent at my parents beautiful home!
Me and my beautiful (big) boys! Owen 7 and Caleb 4 years.
They pulled faces in all the pics that were taken, this was the most decent out of the lot, lol!
I got a beautiful card, chocolate's a pair of PJ's and fuffy socks for mothers day.
My mum and my boys helping her open up her presents.
She got a tag album (made by me) a flowered candle that I decorated
with sequins and beads and a beautiful jeweled frame.
My parents have a 1/4 acre block in Forestvile in the city! Yes in the city :D
There garden is like paradise so lush and green.
My brother, mum and me!
The dogs. *How funny is this pic* The dog running is called Zoey she is my parents whippet. She is airborn running from my brothers new puppy Saxon. Lol!
Crazy dog but the bugger runs fast!
Love me!
For some crazy reason the pic's below have GONE! >???? Here is the my tag album on two peas: http://twopeasinabucket.kaboose.com/pg.asp?cmd=display&layout_id=1152891
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