Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Photo Share :D

Caleb last night


Mia's new little pony tail

My man and my girlStuff:
* I went to the doctor today and got another lot of meds I really hope they help. My hormone problems have really made life so hard for me. 18 months ago I was put on med's that balance my hormones. For the first time in my life I felt awesome! I lost 30 kilos and got my mind in such good shape. (I hope to be back to "me" asap).

* I enrolled in second semester uni. I have three psychology subjects! I hope these med's kick in so I can start next month.

* I also hope to start working at the end of the year. The Strathmont centre (mental hospital) is keen to have me start a course but I can't right now!

* I brought a bike to use to lose weight! I have put on 25-30 kilos since Novemeber last year! It's coming off again as I'm put back on my orginal meds. (I am thinking about starting a weight loss mini book to record my progress.)

*We are getting foxtel today and I can't wait! Bring it on!