Friday, February 02, 2007

Happy Friday!

I am sooooo glad it's Friday!!! I have my boys home with me! They are watching the Ant Bully, they just had maccas for lunch, love my boys!

Yesterday I saw a counsellor! She specialises in career guidence! Man did she help me in just one hour! I have seen her a few times before, she's really cool! I believe that I am so anxious and flat because I am not doing much and it's driving me crazy!!! I am used to living life in the fast lane and I am not just now! I hate it! I feel so guilty just now! (Like I am not doing anything and/or not contributing). But that's just me!
In mid March I start my bevioural science degree again, I am hoping for good grades for honours! But before then I want to a get a job, to get my career started! I am looking for a job in the mental health industry and /or as an operations assistant (to help parents with children in the community who are disadvantage in some way). Sounds good but I will just have to see!

Inspired by this piece of art;

The scan is crap *sorry*!!!! I think dark backgrounds are harder to scan!!! This is my Valentines LO for BB! The pic lifts up to journalling! (what I have written to Neil on my Valentines card).

Today I went to Owen's school so that he could meet his teacher! (He starts at a new school this year). He starts on Monday as it is a private school! >? I have no idea why! He was totally thrilled to go! :) YES!!!!

Owen and his teacher!!! When we left the class room, he goes; "She's so beautiful mum!". So cute!!!!

While Neil was sleeping!!!! I gave him a moustache !!! he he!
(He does things to me so don't feel sorry for him).

Any Resemblance>? To the purple pie man!!!! I think so!

I brought some of the Urban lily chiboard words, they are soooo cool! They make for cool titles!