Happy Friday :)
My Boys:
I took this photo of my boys this morning! Owen off to school and Caleb off to kindy. Looking at these two big boys makes me so proud! These boys are going to grow up and be strong, tall, men, who will look after and protect me! (they do now). I am so totally lucky that these two are mine, they are so caring, compassionate and super intelligent!
My blog:
I love this blog so much, I am enjoying the process of writting and sharing my life with others! To everyone who takes the time to leave a comment so thank you, all so much! *It makes me very happy*
Adeliade Scrappers:
I am so proud to be an Adeliade chic, esp an Adelaide scrapper! Us Adeliade girls are supportive of each others work, and no ego's, love that and love u girls!
Thank god the weekend is here! We have all three boys and no major plans as of yet! My boys are going to the movies tonight. Have to do something really fun with the boys on Saturday night, but I am not sure what yet>? Any good ideas>?
Scrapbooking and stuff:
I have made a few mini albums that I will take a pic of share when I find my bloody camera re-charger, grrrr! lol! I have also started another canvas, I am bad for that! I have also been buying so many cool little things for around my home! (will share soon). I brought a really big pink budda head yesterday and covered the head with gold sequins and copper beads, it looks out of this world! It will be going on my tall cupboard in my bedroom! Last weekend I brought a little bookself (from an anqiue place) for the wall to hold some mini wooden albums! This weekend I will try a get a start on the mini albums! (will post the end result).
Five months ago I brought myself a decent scanner so that I could scan all of my beloved negatives, alter them and put them onto a CD. Well I just learnt how to use it. Well should I say I took the time to read the instructions. :D A few days ago I scanned my first neagtives onto CD and I am just so *happy*. Now I will be able to print my negative pics out myself, > ohh so totally cool. All of my boys baby pics etc, are on film. I plan on putting each film onto a seperate CD, putting it in a CD cover and placing an index print on the front with the year and month. That way I will be able to find the pics I want to use fast. So far I have scanned 1 set of negatives! They are of Caleb my youngest boy when he was a wee baby back in 2002!
Here are a few of my favourite pics from this set:
{Caleb and the dropped lip, I have a similar baby pic to this one.
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