Monkey Man LO! It isn't a good pic sorry! But this LO has soul. LO is about my boys struggle at school with his behaviour! Yesterday he got diagnosed with ADHD and ODD opositional defiance disorder. He behaviours well at home but can't function at school! It's strange because he is soooo smart. (He's IQ is very high). We are going to put him on a strict diet and maybe medication if that doesn't help! I love him to bits! While Owen is my super serious child, Caleb will always but my funny, crazy, little monkey.
Creating the LO! I painted around the edges of the LO (with metalic green/blue) and chopped them slightly. I cut some sequins in half and added them around the border. I also added blue metalic thread, black and white spotted ribbon and metal mesh ;) The coloured glittler circles are made of chipboard. I couldn't fit the photo or journalling on the page so I cut them to fit. I made grass with green ribbon, green wool, and bits of shread paper.
Labels: Boys, Scrapbook stuff
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