Tuesday, August 25, 2009

My 3rd kit sub!

Omg, I am so in love with Kenner Road and their awesome, funky but modern vintage kits! I checked out their blog and it rocked my little world! So much inspiration! I love bright, arty and abstract layouts! This is their August kit (below). I have a 6 month sub to their kit and add-on (It's $68 us) but I bet you I will be buying their other add-on kit and project kit per month also! I sub to 3 kits now! If I get all the add-on's and project kits that will be all I can afford right now! I'll still buy cool bit's and pieces now and then. When I start working full time I might allow myself to buy a little more! (then I'll be working, plus playing mum and thus have no bloodly time to scrap or I will be to darn tired).

The main August Kit

Ohhhh I can't wait for that stamp to be in my hot little hands! I have plans for that baby!

August's add-on kit

I'm lovin the moo cow vintage accent, I know what I'm going to do with that to ;)

August's Project Kit.
(I can't wait to get my hands on that envelope mini album)

Love, love, love the stamp below!!!!

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