Another layout I am on a roll ain't I>? :D na, lol, I love the smaller size! It is so such easier to scrap! I just want to convey a meaning in art, do the journalling, pretty it up and place it into my album > to look back at one day! Omg it's so much "fun" scanning LO's in this size, no > stiching the buggers together! Love it :)
Anyway! This is another layout that has alot of meaning to me! Well the journalling does anyway! Neil loves Cold Play, so I sat in the car one weekend and listened to the songs. 'One song really hit me', > so to speak! It is called the Scientist! I love the start of the song, which goes: "Come up to meet you, tell you I'll sorry, You don't know how lovely you are, I had to find you, tell you I need ya, And tell you I set you apart". It reminds me of Neil! This man makes me feel so special and makes me feel like his princess. I feel like he has set me apart from all others and that I feel so lovely in his eyes :) In the journalling I also wrote about being single after 10 years years and what that felt like! I also wrote that being single made me stronger, put my on my feet again, and made me 'Lisa' again! Love that > Life's leason! You have to take bad situations and make the best out of them! Learn from them and don't make the same mistake twice! For me that is: "I will NEVER, EVER be with a man that lacks warmth and compassion". I would rather be by myself > thank you very much!
Love me xoxo
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