
On Friday night my parents had tea at out house (yummy Chinese) and took the boys back with them to their house for the night. Neil and I had a fun night being > totally stupid! Then we had to drive into the city at 11pm to collect Callum from the bus. (agh, to late I think). We got back at midnight and I started watching a movie until 2am in the morning!
On Saturday my boys came back from mum and dad's, they had been to a fair and had their faces painted! (Owen was a power ranger and Caleb had a skull head, lol!). We went to maca's for lunch and they boys spent the afternoon playing x-box, watching a DVD and kicking the football. I started to watch a DVD in my room and start punching out squares for my craft project (that will hold little mini albums on the wall). That ended when all three boys came in and wanted to watch the movie with me, lol! Caleb start brushing my hair and wanted to put all sorts of crap in it from the bathroom> NO WAY MATE!
On saturday night we went to the snow dome! Ice skating is sooooooooo hard! Neil did it to > so totally funny! He went around the rink twice holding the edges! (A funny sight, I pissed myself laughing). The ice skates kill ya feet, I didn't enjoy it at all! I slipped over on my butt about 4 times! They boys slipped over every minute, lol! Caleb my 4 year old is such a dare devil, he is going to be so good at sport! Everyone loved him there, esp all the teenage girls! (they thought he was totally cute). The teenage guys thought he was so cool, they even helped him up when he fell! We stayed for 2 hrs and then left, Caleb was crying his eyes out cos he didn't wanna leave. (even though he was soaked from the knees down).
Sunday morning, Caleb has bruises all over his legs and arms from last night! omg! We have just had a chill-out day today! I watched a DVD and did some scrapbooking and the boys have had fun playing all day together and with the puppy! Not our puppy, but Callum's new little puppy! His name is Tyson and he is only 8 weeks old! Totally cute hey!

I am getting a puppy soon, I just have to wait for the perfect one! I would love a Yorkshire Terrier but they start from $1200 for a female purebred and I want two dogs! Soooo mmm to expensive for me :(
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