Sunday, February 22, 2009

Little Lucian

This is Lucian my boys little step brother! He is 6 months now and is soooooooo beautiful!!!! I just adore him!

He love the jolly jumper! It's so funny to see him jumping around in it!

His parent rings on his baby toes!

Daddy's ring!

This little guy is so precious to us all! Makes me want to have another one!

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Owen hearts Army Men

I love taking 'real' photo's of my boys at play! I love these two pics above of Owen (9) playing with his army dudes! These little guys sat onto top of his birthday cupcakes! So cool! I love this mature, sweet, loving, honest little boy! He is the most gentle boy ever!!!!! He told me the other day that girls are nicer as they aren't are rough as boys. As you can imagine the girls adore him! He does have a few nice boys that he plays with! (they are sweet and gentle just like him).
Lisa xoxo

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Friday, February 20, 2009

I heart Blythe Dolls.....

I have wanted a blythe doll for the past couple of years and finally when one I like comes out I am going to save up and buy it! (1 gets released a month). They cost 140 and up! I just adore them! You can buy little outfits here on etsy: Omg it's an adult girls dream!!!!!
I'm busy now trying to get all my swapbot swaps sent out and I am working on a 12x12 album complete with 20 layouts to give to 1 family of the bush fire victims. Doesn' sound like much "Just One Family" but if that puts a smile on just a couple of people faces I'm happy I have made a difference!
Lisa xoxox

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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The fight for life! (AGAIN).

My cousin Angie is sick (dying) once again! It was ONLY 18 months ago when she recieved her third and final (u can over have 3 liver transplants in a lifetime) liver. They are giving her a 4th as the third one was from a 72 year old patient.

In the pic above she was sick here to, her skin was green and her eyes yellow. :(

Please pray for her! PLEASE!


Our new Pool!

Summer this year has been so awesome with our brand new pool! The boys have been having the time of their life! Every weekend we have had a bunch of boys over to the house to swim and play with the wii and PS3 in the evening. I am really loving the fact my precious boys are having a wonderful childhood!

Mia on the knee board:

Me and my darling:

My boys and Dane (neighbour friend) jumping into the pool!

As u can see above we have so much to do in our yard still! In time it will be a mini paradise!

Lisa xoxo

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Thursday, February 05, 2009


What's happening in my life:

Soon, very soon I'll be working full time as a nurse. (I really want to work as many hours as possible to finish off the renovations to our house and get all the pretty things that make a house a home).
I'm be stuying partime 1 day a week but doing hundreds of hours of clinical placements.
My life will be full but hopefully rewarding.

Anway, this is Mia my little maltese! (below) She loves to have her ears twirled! I have a passion for clay right now! Clay, clay, clay!!!!!!! I made the border and buttons with clay! I love playing with 'different things' right now. I'm also trying to use less scrapbooking type products and more arty products. Left me know if u have any interesting background techniques I could try! I have so far made a scrapbook background with coffee stained envelopes. I have used the white pages (covered with two layers of paint) and I have also done a torn brown paper bag background with highlights of gold metalic rub-on's.

This is the coffee stained envelopes background:

Lisa xoxox

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