Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Tiny Tales (Mini Book)

This is a 40 page mini album about random little stories! (the stories are random anything from my pregnacy to my pets, to things around my home). "40 stories in total." I just the love concept and I plan on making more. I have used photo's that are extras or photo's that may never ever get scrapped. (I believe that every photo has a story behind it).

The cover has been covered with book print paper and then layed with tissue paper. I got the little image from etsy (a lady named tiny star) I have used mica over the image to protect it and give it a cool rustic look. Around the cute image I have used glass and coloured mosaic's, clear sequins and clay. The tabs say "pick me" and "no pick me". ;)

It took me a while to create this one! I have about 5 mini's on the go now! I am mini book crazy! I can't seem to "get into layouts" these days. With a mini ablum I can tell lots of stories and use lots of pics. I have more fun scrapbooking mini albums as it's like a free for all with scrapbook products, I can use what I want! (ie: cute dork little stickers and rub-on's that I would NEVER use on a layout).


Saturday, May 23, 2009

Monkey Man

Monkey Man LO! It isn't a good pic sorry! But this LO has soul. LO is about my boys struggle at school with his behaviour! Yesterday he got diagnosed with ADHD and ODD opositional defiance disorder. He behaviours well at home but can't function at school! It's strange because he is soooo smart. (He's IQ is very high). We are going to put him on a strict diet and maybe medication if that doesn't help! I love him to bits! While Owen is my super serious child, Caleb will always but my funny, crazy, little monkey.
Creating the LO! I painted around the edges of the LO (with metalic green/blue) and chopped them slightly. I cut some sequins in half and added them around the border. I also added blue metalic thread, black and white spotted ribbon and metal mesh ;) The coloured glittler circles are made of chipboard. I couldn't fit the photo or journalling on the page so I cut them to fit. I made grass with green ribbon, green wool, and bits of shread paper.

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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Our weekend in pictures


I have 4 mini albums on the go now. A grandparent album, a mummy one, a general story one and a love one (my 3rd anniversary present to us). They are all going well! When I run out of ideas (or my mind becomes blah, or if I need something and don't have it) I'll just work on the next one. It's great as it keeps everything running smooth. I also have a couple more mini albums I want to create > maybe I might just create the covers and do the insides as I am doing now > bit by bit! (I want to do a mini album about our weekend adventures, a brotherhood album, one about my parents and brother). Ohh I also forgot I also have an on going mini about me! :) I know it's crazy! But it's all meaningful and I really heart mini's!


Wednesday, May 13, 2009


I brought Niall an anniversary card and enlarged two pictures of his boat from Scotland. The boat belongs to his family they used it to catch prawns off the coast of Scotland. (They made heaps of money in the 1970;s catching prawns). Niall, his brother, his uncle and dad did all the fishing. The picture is going to be put to good use. I love art and so does Niall so we are going to enrol at Norms Art Studio at Gawler to do art lessons. Niall is going to have a go drawing the boat. I'm not sure what I'm going to do > maybe a funky abstract owl>? Tommorrow Niall is going to get a 1 hour hot rock massage, then we are going out to dinner then maybe see a nice movie!
Last year for my anniversary Niall brought me a beautiful gold locket bracelet. He also brought a gold heart charm seperately and got them to write 'Happy 2nd Anniversary' on it! Sooooo beautiful! He has brought me gold triangle earnings (stunning and he pick them out himself) and a necklace. So he asked me what I wanted. I asked him if I could get some scrap / art supplies to make us a 3rd anniversary mini book. It's something we can always look back on and I have sooooo many awesome pics of just the two of us! He said yes, so I can't wait to put an order in and create this beautiful love book. It won't be pink, pretty and girly BUT funky colourful and happy.

(Niall age 21 is the third one standing to the right)

3 Years Today!

I met Niall on this day 3 years ago!!! One day while over at my cousins house I was looking thru some photos she had taken. I asked her if she had any single male friends, and she said she had two. One was a police officer and one worked in a winery. I had a look at both. The police officer was in his 30's and the winery man in his 40's. I like the look of the winery guy, he looked like a gettlemen holding a glass of wine in his hand. I asked Mandy about him. She said that he is a beautiful scottish man who would do anything for anyone. Bingo! I sms Niall the next day as I was way to scared to ring him. I asked him if he would like to meet up with me for a coffee. He sms back can I ring you!! Agh! I shit myself! Omg! Anyway the phone call ended up being great, with got on really well and clicked straight away! I felt so comforatable on the phone with him that I was even teasing him! The next Saturday we went bolwing, that was my idea as I wanted to do something fun! We then went to the botanical gardens and then had our coffee at cafe paradiso (our now favourite cafe)! It was great! I went to his house the next Thursday to watch some movies! (Yer right). We haven't been apart since after that day!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

My Life in Pictures

Tommorrow (the 13th of May 2009) Is our three anniversary! Wow it's gone so quick! I have decided to move into his home full time with him! (Before this I have been spending alot of time at my parents house also). This is a big move for me! After my seperation from Andrew in 2005 I decided that if I ever met someone else I would take my time with the relationship. It's working really well this way! I don't feel like I'm stuck in a rut (with marriage) but rather like I am in a relationship in which I'm a free spirt. One day, maybe when the time is right I might get married. I am glad I have all these wonderfull things still to look forward to!

I know the picture above is horrible but who cares! My boys made me breakfast in bed! So sweet, I heart them! My boys made my the cutest cards in the world for mothers day! Caleb drew a princess and inside the card it said 'Happy mothers day princess'. Ohhh so cute!!!! It's so awesome being a girl sometimes!!! I got 3 cards, some pj's, 2 pairs of fluffy socks and some funky brown and pink pom pom boots!

Owen recieved two 1st's and three 2nds at a sports day event, so proud of him!

............and my baby Caleb played his first ever game of football on Sunday! So proud of him also!

Can't you tell I'm a mama of boys:
The dog poo's (below) aren't real but plastic ;)

I asked they boys about the chopped off heads and they said they turned them into zombies

Love wesa!

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Monday, May 11, 2009

Let Go to the Show Mini

I made this mini about 6 months ago! It has 50 pages containing 70 plus photos of pics taken at the Royal Show 08! I didn't bother taking pics of the album inside as it's is quite plan with just pics, journalling and a bit of patterened paper! My boys went on nearly every ride they could get on. (this year they are taller so they will probably be able to get on a lot more). They have no fear! I went on the the mad mouse and nearly s**t my myself and I went on this bloody 3D rocket and was nearly throwing up inside of it! Grrrrr!!
Pics are a bit dark sorry!

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