Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Go Ask Alice!

I am reading 'Go Ask Alice' I brought the book yesterday and have read half of it already! It's so interesting, the story is about a 15 year old girl called Alice who becomes addicted to drugs.The book is written in diary form, but the author is anonymous. It takes place in the sixties. She is addicted to everything you can think of, many tragedies happen throught the book and apprently the ending is a bad one. All very interesting I love reading non-fiction books, in fact I only read non-fiction books about all sorts of amazing and interesting topics. BUT I am mega pissed as I found out on the internet that 'some' of the book is fiction!!! Grrrr! It's sooo misleading when the front cover of the book states "This is Alices true story". What makes me even more shitty is the ending is a fake! Grrrrr! I take my books seriously, I wouldn't have wasted the $23.00 on it in the first place!!!!!

Mini Albums:
I have stoped working on a mini album about my nana's as I have next to no 'girly' papers or accents! So I need to shop BADLY!!! I haven't spent that much $$$ on scrapbooking stuff since last year so I feel ok about it! I do lots of hobbies and things so I need to spend wisely.
I found this beautiful vintage photo (taken in the 40's-50's) of a lady holding her infant son. I want to use it as a cover to a 'motherhood' mini album I want to create containing black and white photo's of just me and my boys from babyhood until now! I want to create the covers of the album and scrap all the pics of have now and gradually just add more pics as I taken them! It will only be a small-medium sized mini. I want to add poems, quotes and like words of wisdom inside. I think that will be sweet. (Nice for the boys to look back on).
Before I start on this album I need to finish this other one I have made. The front cover is funky (I'll post soon) and inside it has 40 pages with 40 photos of random little stories for the boys to read. Stories about them, as babies, as toddlers and now. Stories about me, about Niall, my parents, pets, things around the home, everything! I love it! I love whole 'little stories' concept.

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Monday, April 27, 2009

Jade Goody

I have been watching the documentary of this lovely girls life! If you don't know her she appeared on the UK Big Brother in 2002. She became famous because of her wild, loud and bubbly personality. She has two beautiful boys (4 and 5 years) and in 2008 she found out she had cervical cancer at the tender age of just 26. I have found watching the show both sad and rewarding! There are 5 one hour shows. I have watched parts 1 and 2. It's January just 8 weeks before she dies. She doesn't find out that her illness is terminal until Febuary. So in parts 1 and 2 she talks about 'getting thru this cancer battle and living'!!! But she dies! (that was only 4 weeks ago). I have found it rewarding as even though Jade has cancer she is always 'living' and although she has bad times, she always seems happy! It's like she always lives in the moment! As human beings I think we all forget to do that!

A beautiful soul has died, I feel so sorry her and her two beautiful boys.

Her second book comes out in Australian book stores on July the 1st! I can't wait to get my copy! They might also be making a movie about her life.


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Night Owl

It's 1:30am as I write this, I love this time of night as I can be by myself. I love staying up late planning arty creations and watching thiller movies. Niall hates it! He hates me not coming to bed! Grrrrr! I feel gulity!
I have packed up all my scrapbook stuff as I am trying to get better organised. I have sooo much CRAP and it's driving me nuts! This is one thing about the hobby that I hate! ie; ALL the stuff that it takes to create THESE wonderful pieces of art!
Anyway I haven't posted stuff for ages! A quick photo, I made this for my mum last year (lol) for mothers day!

Wuv Lisa
I'm working on a pink funky mini album for my nana! (she is sick, very sick in hospital). xoxox

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Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Owen 9 years:

Caleb 6 years:

I took these photo's on the weekend of them both! They are growing up so super quick! They look so much like their dad! Owen is the serious quiet one and Caleb is the crazy loud one!


Monday, April 06, 2009

Autumn Fair

My boys go to an amazing private school and on the weekend they had a fair for the children. There was lots of rides, showbags and heaps of interesting things to see. You could ride a pony or a horse, have fun on a go-cart, be driven around in a special old fashioned motorbike and even hold a snake. We had an awesome day. It was fun. I love seeing the boys happy. They had their own wallets and went around by themselves (first time ever). My boys are getting independent, my boys are growing up!

Just a few pics below:

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